Relevant Coursework
Below are course descriptions and projects from my Master of Human Resource Education curriculum and Strategic Communications course at LSU. Click on Project to see the artifact.
Strategic Communication

Case Study Presentation
Course Summary
An overview of strategic communication, concentrating on theory, research, adaptation, implementation and evaluation.
Research and prepare a case study on issues and experiences from companies, non-profit organizations, government entities, etc. Cases may address any category or specialty within the field of strategic communications/ public relations.
An overview of strategic communication, concentrating on theory, research, adaptation, implementation and evaluation.
Research and prepare a case study on issues and experiences from companies, non-profit organizations, government entities, etc. Cases may address any category or specialty within the field of strategic communications/ public relations.
Instructional Design of Human Resource Development

Training Series Project
Course Summary
To introduce the theory, principles, research, practices of instructional systems design into Human Resource Development Training.
Develop a 6-hr training course for a chosen topic. This project led to the creation of a modified training series for the LSU Distinguished Communicator candidates.
To introduce the theory, principles, research, practices of instructional systems design into Human Resource Development Training.
Develop a 6-hr training course for a chosen topic. This project led to the creation of a modified training series for the LSU Distinguished Communicator candidates.
Performance Analysis in Human Resource Development

CxC Needs Assessment
Course Summary
Thorough background in the theory and principles used in the analysis of performance problems in organizations with an emphasis on application of performance theory.
Conduct a needs assessment on an organization of your choosing. This project evaluated the reach of the Communication across the Curriculum recruiting efforts with faculty of LSU.
Thorough background in the theory and principles used in the analysis of performance problems in organizations with an emphasis on application of performance theory.
Conduct a needs assessment on an organization of your choosing. This project evaluated the reach of the Communication across the Curriculum recruiting efforts with faculty of LSU.
Leading Learning in Human Resource Development

Visual Aids Presentation
Course Summary
Principles, research, and practices of instructional delivery strategies to facilitate learning in HRD; facilitation skills for traditional classroom training, structured on-the-job training, and formal and informal learning in the workplace.
Train-the-trainer presentations of various mediums used in training. This presentation is on the proper utilization of visual aids in training programs.
Principles, research, and practices of instructional delivery strategies to facilitate learning in HRD; facilitation skills for traditional classroom training, structured on-the-job training, and formal and informal learning in the workplace.
Train-the-trainer presentations of various mediums used in training. This presentation is on the proper utilization of visual aids in training programs.
Managing Change in Organizations

Recruitment Program for CxC
Course Summary
Introduction to the theory, methods, and practice of organization change and development; emphasis on the role of the HRD practitioner as change agent and the interventions used to lead and manage organization change.
Create a change in an organization and develop a plan to implement change successfully. The change proposed was to increase recruiting efforts for the newly created Distinguished Communicator certification (formerly High-Level Communicator certification).
Introduction to the theory, methods, and practice of organization change and development; emphasis on the role of the HRD practitioner as change agent and the interventions used to lead and manage organization change.
Create a change in an organization and develop a plan to implement change successfully. The change proposed was to increase recruiting efforts for the newly created Distinguished Communicator certification (formerly High-Level Communicator certification).
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