LSU Distinguished Communicator Certification: The Big Picture LSU Distinguished Communicator Information Session, Fall 2008-present "Tips & Tools for Capturing Oral Presentations & Maximizing Class Time" CxC Faculty Summer Institute, June 2010 "Best Practices for Filming Presentations" LSU Distinguished Communicator Workshop, Spring & Fall 2010 |
- Co-presented "Connecting the Dots within a Course: Free and easy ways to incorporate course-specific e-portfolios" (May 2012)
- Led special interest group discussions with participants on Adobe Connect (May 2011) and Free Portfolio/Design Resources (May 2012)
- Co-presented "Closing the Feedback Loop: Effective & Efficient Strategies for Providing Feedback" and "Collection & Reflection: A Guide to e-Portfolios" (May 2011)
- Led workshop on "Tips & Tools for Capturing Oral Presentations & Maximizing Class Time" (June 2010)